Ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng mẫu đến sức kháng nứt của bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội
Từ khóa:
Nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng, Nhũ tương bitum, tái chế nguội, Năng lượng phá huỷ, Chỉ số kháng nứt, Cường độ chịu kéo.
Tóm tắt
Trong số các công nghệ bê tông asphalt hiện nay, công nghệ bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội bằng nhũ tương bitum kết hợp với xi măng có thể được coi là giải pháp công nghệ tiêu thụ năng lượng thấp nhất do các vật liệu thành phần không phải gia nhiệt trong quá trình chế tạo. Với hỗn hợp bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội sử dụng nhũ tương bitum và phụ gia xi măng, độ cứng của hỗn hợp phụ thuộc vào thời gian và nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng. Bài báo này đưa ra kết quả nghiên cứu thực nghiệm đánh giá ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng mẫu đến sức kháng nứt của hỗn hợp bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, cường độ chịu kéo, năng lượng phá huỷ, độ dốc đường cong sau giá trị lực lớn nhất và chỉ số kháng nứt tăng tương ứng 3034,7%, 268,3%, 252,4% và 26,3 % khi nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng mẫu tăng từ 25oC lên 60oC. Kết quả này sẽ góp phần đề xuất nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng mẫu phù hợp để tăng sức kháng nứt cho bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội.Tài liệu tham khảo
[1]. A. E. Alkins, B. Lane, T. Kazmierowski, Sustainable Pavements: Environmental, Economic, and Social Benefits of In Situ Pavement Recycling, J. Transp. Res. Board, 2084 (2008) 100–103. https://doi: 10.3141/2084-11
[2]. B. Lane, T. Kazmierowski, Implementation of Cold In-Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Technology in Canada., J. Transp. Res. Board, 1905 (2005) 17–24. https://doi: 10.1177/0361198105190500102
[3]. A. Buss, M. G. Mercado, S. Schram, Long-Term Evaluation of Cold-in-Place Recycling and Factors Influencing Performance, J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 31 (2017) 04016111. https://doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000985
[4]. B. Gómez-Meijide, I. Pérez, A. R. Pasandín, Recycled construction and demolition waste in Cold Asphalt Mixtures: Evolutionary properties, J. Clean. Prod., 112 (2016) 588–598. https://doi: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2015.08.038
[5]. B. C. Cox, I. L. Howard, Cold In-Place Recycling Characterization for Single-Component or Multiple-Component Binder Systems, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 28 (2016) 04016118. https://doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001621
[6]. W. Ma, R. West, N. Trail, N. Moore, Optimising water content in cold recycled foamed asphalt mixtures, Road Mater. Pavement Des., 86 (2017) 73–102. https://doi: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1389088
[7]. Y. Wang, Z. Leng, X. Li, C. Hu, Cold recycling of reclaimed asphalt pavement towards improved engineering performance, J. Clean. Prod., 171 (2018) 1031–1038. https://doi: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2017.10.132
[8]. K. Khweir, D. Fordyce, D. Strickland, J. Read, Effect of curing time on the performance of cold asphaltic mixtures, Proc. 3rd Eurasphalt Eurobitume Congr. , Vienna, Austria, 1 (2004) 460–465. https://trid.trb.org/view/743787
[9]. B. Gómez-Meijide, I. Pérez, A proposed methodology for the global study of the mechanical properties of cold asphalt mixtures, J. Material and Design, 57 (2014) 520–527. https://doi: 10.1016/J.MATDES.2013.12.079
[10]. C. P. Marais, M. I. Tait, Pavements with bitumen emulsion treated bases: proposed material specifications, mix design criteria and structural design procedures for Southern African conditions, 5th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa (Capsa 89). Proceedings held in Swaziland, 1989. https://trid.trb.org/view/354466
[11]. J. P. Serfass, J. P. Henrat, X. Carbonneau, Evaluation of cold mixes performance in the short and long term, Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2004. https://trid.trb.org/view/743787
[12]. T. A. Doyle, C. McNally, A. Gibney, A. Tabaković, Developing maturity methods for the assessment of cold-mix bituminous materials, Constr. Build. Mater., 38 (2013) 524–529. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2012.09.008
[13]. F. Cardone, A. Grilli, M. Bocci, A. Graziani, Curing and temperature sensitivity of cement-bitumen treated materials, Int. J. Pavement Eng., 16 (2015) 868–880. https://doi: 10.1080/10298436.2014.966710
[14]. M. Bocci, A. Grilli, F. Cardone, A. Graziani, A study on the mechanical behaviour of cement–bitumen treated materials, J. Constr. Build. Mater., 25 (2011) 773–778. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2010.07.007
[15]. Asphalt Academy, Technical Guideline: Bitumen Stabilised Materials, 2 (2009) 136.
[16]. P. Jenkins, K.J., Moloto, Updating Bituminous Stabilized Materials Guidelines: Mix Des. Report, PhaseII—Curing Protoc. Improv. Tech. Memo. Task 7, Jones Edmunds Gainesville, FL, USA, 2008.
[17]. A. Kavussi, A. Modarres, A model for resilient modulus determination of recycled mixes with bitumen emulsion and cement from ITS testing results, J. Constr. Build. Mater., 24 (2010) 2252–2259. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2010.04.031
[18]. A. Graziani, C. Godenzoni, F. Cardone, M. Bocci, Effect of curing on the physical and mechanical properties of cold-recycled bituminous mixtures, Mater. Des., 95 (2016) 358–369. https://doi: 10.1016/J.MATDES.2016.01.094
[19]. S. Du, Effect of curing conditions on properties of cement asphalt emulsion mixture, Constr. Build. Mater., 164 (2018) 84–93. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2017.12.179
[20]. A. García, P. Lura, M. N. Partl, I. Jerjen, Influence of cement content and environmental humidity on asphalt emulsion and cement composites performance, Mater. Struct. Constr., 46 (2013) 1275–1289. https://doi: 10.1617/S11527-012-9971-6
[21]. N. B. Christopher, J. Hedges, Lori L. Sundstrom, Tanya Zwahlen, S. L. Campbell, E. P. Delaney, Practice and Performance of Cold In-Place Recycling and Cold Central Plant Recycling, NCHRP Synthesis Report, 569 (2021). https://doi: 10.17226/26319
[22]. Y. Yang, Y. Yang, B. Qian, Performance and microstructure of cold recycled mixes using asphalt emulsion with different contents of cement, Materials (Basel)., 12 (2019). https://doi: 10.3390/MA12162548
[23]. S. Im, S. Sebesta, Y. Rew, Methods of Rehabilitating Pavements with Moisture Damaged Asphalt Layers: Technical Report, Research Report FHWA/TX-18/0-0626-R1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2018.
[24]. AASHTO PP86, Standard Practice for Emulsified Asphalt Content of Cold Recycled Mixture Designs, Am. Assoc. State Highw. Transp. Off., 2019, pp. 3–10.
[25]. Recommended Mix Design Guidelines For Cold Recycling Using Emulsified Asphalt Recycling Agent CR201, Asph. Recycl. Reclaiming Assoc. Glen Ellyn, 2016.
[2]. B. Lane, T. Kazmierowski, Implementation of Cold In-Place Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Technology in Canada., J. Transp. Res. Board, 1905 (2005) 17–24. https://doi: 10.1177/0361198105190500102
[3]. A. Buss, M. G. Mercado, S. Schram, Long-Term Evaluation of Cold-in-Place Recycling and Factors Influencing Performance, J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 31 (2017) 04016111. https://doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000985
[4]. B. Gómez-Meijide, I. Pérez, A. R. Pasandín, Recycled construction and demolition waste in Cold Asphalt Mixtures: Evolutionary properties, J. Clean. Prod., 112 (2016) 588–598. https://doi: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2015.08.038
[5]. B. C. Cox, I. L. Howard, Cold In-Place Recycling Characterization for Single-Component or Multiple-Component Binder Systems, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 28 (2016) 04016118. https://doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001621
[6]. W. Ma, R. West, N. Trail, N. Moore, Optimising water content in cold recycled foamed asphalt mixtures, Road Mater. Pavement Des., 86 (2017) 73–102. https://doi: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1389088
[7]. Y. Wang, Z. Leng, X. Li, C. Hu, Cold recycling of reclaimed asphalt pavement towards improved engineering performance, J. Clean. Prod., 171 (2018) 1031–1038. https://doi: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2017.10.132
[8]. K. Khweir, D. Fordyce, D. Strickland, J. Read, Effect of curing time on the performance of cold asphaltic mixtures, Proc. 3rd Eurasphalt Eurobitume Congr. , Vienna, Austria, 1 (2004) 460–465. https://trid.trb.org/view/743787
[9]. B. Gómez-Meijide, I. Pérez, A proposed methodology for the global study of the mechanical properties of cold asphalt mixtures, J. Material and Design, 57 (2014) 520–527. https://doi: 10.1016/J.MATDES.2013.12.079
[10]. C. P. Marais, M. I. Tait, Pavements with bitumen emulsion treated bases: proposed material specifications, mix design criteria and structural design procedures for Southern African conditions, 5th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa (Capsa 89). Proceedings held in Swaziland, 1989. https://trid.trb.org/view/354466
[11]. J. P. Serfass, J. P. Henrat, X. Carbonneau, Evaluation of cold mixes performance in the short and long term, Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2004. https://trid.trb.org/view/743787
[12]. T. A. Doyle, C. McNally, A. Gibney, A. Tabaković, Developing maturity methods for the assessment of cold-mix bituminous materials, Constr. Build. Mater., 38 (2013) 524–529. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2012.09.008
[13]. F. Cardone, A. Grilli, M. Bocci, A. Graziani, Curing and temperature sensitivity of cement-bitumen treated materials, Int. J. Pavement Eng., 16 (2015) 868–880. https://doi: 10.1080/10298436.2014.966710
[14]. M. Bocci, A. Grilli, F. Cardone, A. Graziani, A study on the mechanical behaviour of cement–bitumen treated materials, J. Constr. Build. Mater., 25 (2011) 773–778. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2010.07.007
[15]. Asphalt Academy, Technical Guideline: Bitumen Stabilised Materials, 2 (2009) 136.
[16]. P. Jenkins, K.J., Moloto, Updating Bituminous Stabilized Materials Guidelines: Mix Des. Report, PhaseII—Curing Protoc. Improv. Tech. Memo. Task 7, Jones Edmunds Gainesville, FL, USA, 2008.
[17]. A. Kavussi, A. Modarres, A model for resilient modulus determination of recycled mixes with bitumen emulsion and cement from ITS testing results, J. Constr. Build. Mater., 24 (2010) 2252–2259. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2010.04.031
[18]. A. Graziani, C. Godenzoni, F. Cardone, M. Bocci, Effect of curing on the physical and mechanical properties of cold-recycled bituminous mixtures, Mater. Des., 95 (2016) 358–369. https://doi: 10.1016/J.MATDES.2016.01.094
[19]. S. Du, Effect of curing conditions on properties of cement asphalt emulsion mixture, Constr. Build. Mater., 164 (2018) 84–93. https://doi: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2017.12.179
[20]. A. García, P. Lura, M. N. Partl, I. Jerjen, Influence of cement content and environmental humidity on asphalt emulsion and cement composites performance, Mater. Struct. Constr., 46 (2013) 1275–1289. https://doi: 10.1617/S11527-012-9971-6
[21]. N. B. Christopher, J. Hedges, Lori L. Sundstrom, Tanya Zwahlen, S. L. Campbell, E. P. Delaney, Practice and Performance of Cold In-Place Recycling and Cold Central Plant Recycling, NCHRP Synthesis Report, 569 (2021). https://doi: 10.17226/26319
[22]. Y. Yang, Y. Yang, B. Qian, Performance and microstructure of cold recycled mixes using asphalt emulsion with different contents of cement, Materials (Basel)., 12 (2019). https://doi: 10.3390/MA12162548
[23]. S. Im, S. Sebesta, Y. Rew, Methods of Rehabilitating Pavements with Moisture Damaged Asphalt Layers: Technical Report, Research Report FHWA/TX-18/0-0626-R1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2018.
[24]. AASHTO PP86, Standard Practice for Emulsified Asphalt Content of Cold Recycled Mixture Designs, Am. Assoc. State Highw. Transp. Off., 2019, pp. 3–10.
[25]. Recommended Mix Design Guidelines For Cold Recycling Using Emulsified Asphalt Recycling Agent CR201, Asph. Recycl. Reclaiming Assoc. Glen Ellyn, 2016.
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Nguyễn Ngọc, L., Nguyễn Quang, P., Nguyễn Thị Mi, T., & Phạm Thị Thanh, T. (1649955600). Ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng mẫu đến sức kháng nứt của bê tông asphalt tái chế nguội. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 73(3), 288-299. https://doi.org/10.47869/tcsj.73.3.7
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