Developing a program to calculate the train braking on vietnam railways

  • Tuan Do Duc

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Toan Nguyen Duc

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: calculation program, train traction, train brake, Vietnam Railways.


Calculating the train traction in the railway industry includes a lot of different problems, one of which is the train brake calculation. Because of the diversity of train types, the calculation volume is quite massive, takes a lot of time when using traditional methods. Therefore, based on the known theory, a computer program for calculating train brake applied to the Vietnamese railway industry has been developed by the Java programming language. The program allows computing braking distances with types of brake shoe materials that have different friction coefficients between brake shoes and wheels on a variety of train types. On that basis, it is possible to compare and make reasonable choices about using brake shoe materials with the corresponding brake shoe friction coefficients. The program also allows calculating quickly, flexibly, and conveniently with various train formation options.


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How to Cite
Đỗ Đức, T., & Nguyễn Đức, T. (1628960400). Developing a program to calculate the train braking on vietnam railways. Transport and Communications Science Journal, 72(6), 722-737.
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