Predicting compressibility characteristics of soil with oedometer test based on nonlinear regression analysis

  • Tiep Pham Duc

    Le Quy Don Technical University, No 236, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Hung Tran Nam

    Le Quy Don Technical University, No 236, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Le Nguyen Thanh

    Le Quy Don Technical University, No 236, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: nonlinear regression analysis, regression coefficient, elastic modulus, coefficient of consolidation, secondary compression index, Oedometer test.


When calculating consolidation settlement, it is necessary to process the Oedometer test data to obtain the consolidation parameters of the soil sample. In this paper a single variable nonlinear regression model to predict settlement of the soil sample over time when conducting consolidation test is established. The regression coefficients include the elastic modulus - Es (Young’ modulus), coefficient of consolidation - Cv and the secondary compression index - Cα with 3 different settlement stages (elastic settlement, primary consolidation settlement and secondary consolidation settlement). Nonlinear regression analysis is carried out based on consolidation test data corresponding to a certain load. The results showed that the nonlinear regression model predicts the settlement of the soil sample that fits well the experimental results, and thereby can be used to provide the consolidation parameters for the calculation of settlement in practice.


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How to Cite
Phạm Đức, T., Trần Nam, H., & Nguyễn Thành, L. (1628960400). Predicting compressibility characteristics of soil with oedometer test based on nonlinear regression analysis. Transport and Communications Science Journal, 72(6), 713-721.
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