A study on real measured settlement analysis and settlement forecast of high-speed railway foundation

  • Phong Nguyen Hong

    TCQM Transport contruction and quality management bureau, Ministry of Transport, Vietnam
  • Chien Chu Quang

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: chuquangchien@utc.edu.vn
Keywords: High-speed railway, roadbed settlement, settlement prediction, real measured settlement simulation.


High-speed rail has a very strict settlement control requirement over the project life. The controlled settlement amount is usually less than 15 mm. In order to achieve such strict controlled conditions, special methods are also required during the roadbed construction, the monitoring period and the settlement prediction, those are with great differences compared to the methods currently being used in Vietnam. This article conducts a real measured settlement analysis of the roadbed to propose calculation method of the settlement prediction. The results show that in case of large settlement, it is recommended to use the ground settlement observation results as input data and three parameters to quality control of settlement simulation prediction. In case of small settlement, it is recommended to use the measured data from the settlement monitoring sheet and the cross-section settlement monitoring tube (for reference). Also, it is recommended to use the three-point method and the two-line extension method for simulation the settlement actually measured and settlement prediction after construction.


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How to Cite
Nguyễn Hồng, P., & Chu Quang , C. (9600). A study on real measured settlement analysis and settlement forecast of high-speed railway foundation. Transport and Communications Science Journal, 72(3), 277-290. https://doi.org/10.47869/tcsj.72.3.4
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