Determining the set of representative variables of real-world driving cycle of bus: a case study of Hanoi
Từ khóa:
Driving characteristics, driving cycle, HAC, VSP, Hanoi, bus
Tóm tắt
This paper analysed the real-world driving data to determine the representative parameters of driving cycle for the purpose of the typical driving cycle development of bus in Hanoi. The real-world driving data of bus in Hanoi were collected by using the Global positioning system technique with 1Hz data update rate. The real-world driving data of fifteen bus routes in the inner city were collected continuously, on weekdays as well as at weekends. The data, then, were used to calculate 33 kinematics parameters reflecting the realistic driving characteristics, including vehicle-specific power. The hierarchical agglomerative clustering method was used to determine a minimal set of representative variables from the 33 kinematics parameters. The 14 representative parameters of the real-world driving cycle of bus in Hanoi were determined.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[2]. T. J. Barlow, S. Latham, I. S. McCrae and P. G. Boulter, A reference book of driving cycles for use in the measurement of road vehicle emissions, Department for Transport, UK, 2009.
[3]. J. Brady, M. O'Mahony, The development of a driving cycle for the greater Dublin area using a large database of driving data with a stochastic and statistical methodology, Proceedings of the ITRN2013, Trinity College Dublin, 2013.
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[5]. V. Franco, M. Kousoulidou, M. Muntean, L. Ntziachristos, S. Hausberger, P. Dilara, Road vehicle emission factors development: A review, Atmospheric Environment, 70 (2013) 84 - 97.
[6]. Hoang Trong, Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc, Phan tich du lieu nghien cuu voi SPSS, NXB Hong Duc, 2008.
[7]. W. T. Hung, H. Y. Tong, C. P. Lee, K. Ha, L. Y. Pao, Development of a practical driving cycle construction methodology: A case study in Hong Kong, Transportation Research part D: Transport and Environment, 12 (2007) 115-128.
[8]. J. Lai, L. Yu, G. Song, P. Guo, X. Chen, Development of City-Specific Driving Cycles for Transit Buses Based on VSP Distributions: Case of Beijing, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139 (2013) 749-757.
[9]. P. Lipar, I. Strnad, M. Česnik, T. Maher, Development of urban driving cycle with GPS data post processing, Promet–Traffic&Transportation, 28 (2016) 353-364.
[10]. Y.-L. T. Nguyen, N.-D. Bui, T.-D. Nghiem, A.-T. Le, GPS data processing for driving cycle development in Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (2019). (in press).
[11]. Y.-L. T. Nguyen, T.-D. Nghiem, A.-T. Le, N.-D. Bui, Development of the typical driving cycle for buses in Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 69 (2019) 423-437.
[12]. Y. Qi, A. Padiath, Q. Zhao, L. Yu, Development of operating mode distributions for different types of roadways under different congestion levels for vehicle emission assessment using MOVES, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66 (2016) 1003-1011.
[13]. W. Saleh, R. Kumar, H. Kirby, P. Kumar, Real world driving cycle for motocycles in Edinburgh, Transportation Research part D: Transport and Environment, 14 (2009) 326-333.
[14]. Q. Shi, Y. Zheng, R. Wang, Y. Li, The study of a new method of driving cycles construction, Procedia Engineering, 16 (2011) 79-87.
[15]. H. Y. Tong, H. D. Tung, W. T. Hung, H. V. Nguyen, Development of driving cycles for motorcycles and light-duty vehicles in Vietnam, Atmospheric Environment, 45 (2011) 5191-5199.
[16]. E. Torp and P. Önnegren, Driving cycle generation using statistical analysis and Markov chain, Department of Electrical Engineering, Likopings University, Sweden, 2013.
[17]. F. Zheng, J. Li, H. van Zuylen, C. Lu, Influence of driver characteristics on emissions and fuel consumption, Transportation Research Procedia, 27 (2017) 624-631.
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Yen-Lien T., N. (1590598800). Determining the set of representative variables of real-world driving cycle of bus: a case study of Hanoi. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 71(4), 317-327.
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