Influence of cement content and soil type on some mechanical and physical properties of rammed earth

  • Dung Nguyen Tien

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: Earth materials; Rammed earth; Cement; Compressive strength; Splitting tensile strength; Water absorption


Earth materials in general and rammed earth, in particular, is an eco-friendly building material and are being researched and applied in many countries around the world. This paper presents some mechanical and physical properties of cement-stabilized rammed earth materials, including compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and water absorption. Two soils with different grain compositions and mineral compositions were used. The rammed earth is stabilized with blend Portland cement PCB30 with a content ranging from 4-8% (by weight of the soil). The material composition of rammed earth was designed according to the principle of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. The experimental results showed that when increasing the cement content, the mechanical properties of rammed earth were significantly improved and the water absorption decreased. The difference in grain and mineral compositions of the two soils is a factor that significantly affects the mechanical and physical properties of these two types of rammed earth. The results of this study contribute to enriching the scientific basis for the use of earth materials in construction works in Vietnam


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How to Cite
Nguyễn Tiến, D. (1681491600). Influence of cement content and soil type on some mechanical and physical properties of rammed earth. Transport and Communications Science Journal, 74(3), 268-282.
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