Application of QGIS in Lao Cai city to build solid waste management database forward the circular economy

  • Hanh Vu Kim

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Cuong Doan Danh

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Khoat Vu Van

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: domestic solid waste, Lao Cai city, domestic solid waste management, QGIS, collection network, circular economy


In urban areas, the amount of daily solid waste (CTRSH) is increasing with the growth rate of population and urbanization. The article presents a survey and an assessment of the existing state of domestic solid waste management (DSWM) in 10 wards of Lao Cai city, Vietnam, following with suggestions for enhancing management effectiveness. The research results showed that the proportion of households performing DSWM classification at the source reached 96.85%, the quality of classification reached 86.7% and the collection rate reached 95-97%. The rate of domestic solid waste being recycled, reused, produced fertilizer or recovered energy in Lao Cai city was reached 63%, the remaining 37% was buried at landfill in Toong Mon village, Dong Tuyen commune. Based on that, we proposed to apply QGIS technology to support the use of existing infrastructure in DSWM, collection management, and collection mapping. That is aimed to optimization of collection and transportation routes and reduction of waste collection costs, and improve the efficiency of DSWM in the direction to a circular economy


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How to Cite
Vũ Kim, H., Đoàn Danh, C., & Vũ Văn, K. (1676394000). Application of QGIS in Lao Cai city to build solid waste management database forward the circular economy . Transport and Communications Science Journal, 74(2), 199-215.
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