Transport and Communications Science Journal under University of Transport and Communications was established in 2002 and launched online version in 2019.

Transport and Communications Science Journal is a scientific journal in which domestic and international scientists and experts publish the latest research results. The Journal always commits to reviewing the articles in accordance with the international standards of a scientific journal. The Journal is annually published with 3 issues in English on the 15th day of January, May, September and 6 issues in Vietnamese on the 15th day of February, April, June, August, October, December under ISSN 1859-2724, e-ISSN 2615-9554.


Transport and Communications Science Journal is a scientific journal that publishes research and application results in the field of transport and communications including:

  • Transport construction engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Economics and transport operation
  • Construction management
  • Electrical - Electronic engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Transport safety and Environment
  • Fundamental sciences


All submitted manuscripts which are suitable for the format of the Journal are under double-blind peer review by a minimum of two independent scientists. Based on the results of reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection for publication.

Publication Ethics Statement

  1. Author's Duties
  • Authorship: Only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research have the right to authorship.
  • Criteria for Manuscripts: Authors must submit original research results that have not been published elsewhere. The importance of the research should be presented objectively.
  • Manuscript Originality, Plagiarism, and Source Confirmation: Authors must ensure the originality of the manuscript. Proper citation and permission are required when using documents or quotes from other sources.
  • Access and Storage of Data: Data and information in the research paper should be presented accurately for replicability. Authors should provide research data for editorial processes and make it publicly accessible. Data should be retained for a reasonable period after publication.
  • Multiple Articles: Authors should not publish manuscripts with the same research content in more than one journal or publication.
  • Conflict of Interest Declaration: Authors must disclose personal and financial relationships that could potentially influence the research project. Sources of financial support should be listed, and any lack of relevance should be declared.
  • Notification of Errors in Published Articles: Authors should promptly inform the Editorial Board of any errors discovered in published articles. If a third party notifies the Editorial Board of an error, authors must cooperate in providing evidence.
  1. Duties of Reviewers
  • Contribution to Editorial Decisions: The role of expert reviewers is to assist the Journal Editorial Board in making informed decisions throughout the editorial process. By providing specific comments on the research, reviewers aim to support authors and the Journal in enhancing the overall quality of the articles. If a reviewer, invited by the Journal, realizes that they do not possess the qualifications or standards to review the submitted research or deems the review unfeasible, they are obligated to promptly inform the Editorial Board. A refusal letter should be sent to decline participation in the Journal's review process.
  • Confidentiality: All manuscripts undergoing the Journal's review process are treated as confidential. Reviewers are strictly prohibited from sharing reviews or any information about the article with unauthorized individuals. Direct contact with the author without the consent of the Editorial Board is not permissible. Additionally, the use of research documents or results from the article manuscript without the author's and authors' consent is strictly forbidden.
  • Ethical Warning: Reviewers must remain vigilant regarding potential conflicts of interest associated with the article under review. Prompt notification to the Editorial Board is mandatory if any conflicts or significant overlaps between the manuscripts under review and previously published articles are identified.
  • Standards of Objectivity: The review process should be conducted with objectivity, devoid of personal bias towards the manuscript. Criticizing individual authors or authors submitting manuscripts is deemed inappropriate. If a reviewer suggests the inclusion of a citation from their own or a collaborator's research in the article, it should be for legitimate scientific reasons. This recommendation should not be aimed at inflating citation numbers or improving the overall quality of the article. Transparency in the reviewer's (or their collaborator's) research work is essential.
  1. Duties of the Editorial Board
  • Publishing Decision: The Editorial Board of the Journal holds complete responsibility and independence in deciding whether to publish submitted articles. Every member of the Editorial Board is required to adhere to the Journal's policies and comply with other applicable legal regulations.
  • Expert Review: Ensuring fairness, impartiality, and timeliness in the review process is a crucial responsibility of Editorial Board members. Each article undergoes review by at least two independent external experts, and when necessary, Editorial Board members may seek additional scientific opinions. To avoid selecting inappropriate reviewers, Editorial Board members are tasked with choosing experts whose expertise aligns with the research field of the article.
  • Fairness: Evaluation of manuscripts submitted to the Journal by Editorial Board members is based solely on scientific content. The Editorial Board is committed to establishing a transparent mechanism for making editorial decisions on articles published in the Journal.
  • Confidentiality: Editorial Board members must guarantee the confidentiality of all manuscripts and discussions with reviewers submitted to the Journal. Information about review experts must be kept confidential, and Editorial Board members are prohibited from using manuscript information for personal purposes.
  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Editorial Board members are not permitted to participate in the review process of articles they have authored, those in which family members or colleagues have contributed, or any matters related to products or services from which Editorial Board members may benefit.

Article processing charge: Journal do not charge any fees to authors.