Establishment the program and mathematical diagrams of embankment stability analysis on soft soil reinforced by soil cement columns
Từ khóa:
Soil cement columns; settlement; stability; soft soil; diagram; geometrical parameters.
Tóm tắt
In the calculation of improvement of embankments on soft soils, the geometrical parameters of soil cement columns such as the length L, diameter d, the distance between the columns D, greatly affect to the stability of embankments (settlement S, coefficient of stability Fs) and treatment efficiency. On the basis of the multivariate correlation equation predicting total settlement (S), residual settlement after treatment (DS) based on the unit weight of soil , the height of embankments H, the length L, diameter d, the distance between the columns D after statistical analysis on p_value index and R2 with the following models: Linear, Quadratic combined with the Bishop method on slope stability analysis, the authors have built the code of stability analysis for the embankment on soft ground reinforced with soil cement columns system. At the same time, we have developed mathematical diagrams for the analysis of the influence of each pair of column geometry factors on the settlement of the roadbed.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[2]. F. Beaujean et al., p-values for Model Evaluation, Physical review D: Particles and fields, 83 (2011) 012004.
[3]. TCVN 9403:2012, Stabilization of soft soil – The soil cement column method, Ha Noi, 2012.
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[6]. Coast tal Development Institute of Technology, The Deep Mixing Method: Principle, Design an Construction, A,A,Balkema, Tokyo.
[7]. CDIT, JAPAN, The deep mixing Method, A.A balkema publisher, a member of Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Year 2002.
[8]. N. M. Cuong, Study on the treatment of embankment on soft soil with soil cement pile technology - applicable to Ngoc Hoi station complex - Hanoi, Viet Nam, Doctoral thesis, Year 2017.
[9]. V. N. Binh, Research on the effect of building properties of soft clay in the Mekong Delta on the quality of reinforcement by cement combined with additives in the construction of works, Doctoral thesis, Year 2018.
[10]. N. T. N. Yen, T. T. Viet, Study on the effects of geographical parameters of cement stabilized soil piles on the stability of embankment foundation constructed on soft soil, Da Nang University of Technolog, Code number: T2019-02-65, Year 2020.
[11]. N. T. N. Yen, T. T. Viet, Effects of geographical parameters of cement - soil piles on the stability of embankment foundation on soft soil, ISSN: 1859-3941, Year 2020.
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Kiểu trích dẫn
Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Y., Tran Trung, V., & Nguyen Hoang, G. (7600). Establishment the program and mathematical diagrams of embankment stability analysis on soft soil reinforced by soil cement columns. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 72(1), 107-116.
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