Identification and analysis of shoreline changes over fishermen settlement along the coast of sungaibuntu and cemarajaya village, Karawang Regency, West Java
Từ khóa:
Band rationing, coastal hazard, fishermen community, sea level rise
Tóm tắt
Shoreline changes, that occur along the coast, gives negative effects to the environment and also social-economic activities on the fishermen’s livelihood. Study about shoreline changes, its trends, and its causes are important for the development of economic and sanitation vulnerability assessment on fishermen community caused by shoreline changes. Thus, environmental sustainability criteria within the local scale and specific to fishermen community takes into account and the implementation of the instrument become more appropriate to reduce the undesirable effects. This research aims to identifying and analysing shoreline changes trend and its factors over the fishermen settlement area along the coast of Sungaibuntu and Cemarajaya village, Karawang Regency, West Java. Data used in this study are Landsat-7 1999, 2002, 2007, and 2012 as well as Landsat-8 2017. To enhance Landsat-7 images, band 2-4-5 are used, meanwhile Landsat-8 employs band 3-5-6. Later, the shoreline was extracted by applying band rationing techniques, Band2/Band5 for Landsat-7 and Band3/Band6 for Landsat-8. The rate of shoreline changes along the coast of Sungaibuntu is -0.15 m/yr and -2.89 m/yr along Cemarajaya. The periodic phenomena that affect shoreline changes consist of tidal range with a mean value of 0.796 m, significant wave height (Hs) of 0 - 2.9 m with the dominant direction heading to the southeast, and also sea level rise (SLR). Besides, there is an anthropogenic factor of land use and land cover changes as the significant feature shown by the managed system of ponds, cropland, farmland, paddy field, along with the settlement. As for the instrument development of economic and sanitation vulnerability on fishermen community, it is important to take shoreline changes rate and its causes into account and consider it as vulnerability criteria.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[17]. S. L. Nurmaulina et al., Long Term Sea Level Change from Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauges in the indonesian Region, EGU General Assembly, 2010, pp. 1-7.
[18]. S. Paterson et al., The Human Dimension of Changing Shorelines Along the U.S. North Atlantic Coast, Coastal Management, 42 (2014) 17-35.
[19]. S. K. Paterson et al., The social and economic effects of shoreline change: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes Regional overview, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Natural Resources Conservation, Lexington, MA: Eastern Research Group Inc, 2010.
[20]. E. A. Pendleton et al., Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Dry Tortugas National Park to Sea-Level Rise, Virgina: US Geological Survey, 2004.
[21]. Rudiarto, I., Pamungkas, D., A, H. A., & Adam, K. Socio-Economic Vulnerability to Flood Risk in Coastal Village within Demak Regency. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan, 4 (3), (2016) 153-170.
[22]. Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) Map, from Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), 2017.
[23]. Sardiyatmo, Supriharyono, & Hartoko, A. An Examination of Shoreline Changes and Consequences using Multi-temporal Satellite Images over Semarang, East Java. Journal of Science and Technology in Fisheries, 8 (2), (2013) 33-37.
[24]. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of 2014, 2017.
[25]. Significant Wave Height (Hs) of 2015 and Tide Data of December 2017 over Northern Java, retrived January 2, from Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), 2018.
[26]. A. Taofiqurohman, M. F. A. Ismail, Spatial Analysis on Shoreline Changes along the Coast of Subang Regency, West Java, Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 4 (2012) 280-289.
[27]. V. T. Tran, B. T. Trinh, Application Remote Sensing for Shoreline Change Detection in Cuu Long Estuary, VNU Journal of Science, 25 (2009) 217-222.
[28]. Wind Gridded (reanalysis) Data 2013 - 2017 period, retrived January 2, 2018 from National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).
[29]. W. Windupranata, A. Ikhsani, Physical Land Factors Analysis over Jakarta Bay for the Development of the Great Jakarta Sea Wall. In Dynamic Change over Jakarta Bay: Impacts Analysis of Sea Wall Construction (2014) 69-78. Bogor, West Java, Indonesia: IPB Press.
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A., I., P., S., M., F., & M., M. (7600). Identification and analysis of shoreline changes over fishermen settlement along the coast of sungaibuntu and cemarajaya village, Karawang Regency, West Java. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 72(1), 95-106.
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