Study the working of piles on the slope ground subjected to horizontal loading by numerical simulation method
Từ khóa:
Horizontal loading, slope, horizontal displacement, ABAQUS, sand, clay, numerical simulation method, finite element method.
Tóm tắt
Numerical modelling is an efficient method to investigate the effects of the distance from pile centreline to pile centreline on the working of laterally loaded piles considering the shear plastic deformations of the ground. The paper presents the research results the effects of piles spacing on the sloping ground including sand and clay layers subjected to horizontal loading according to the finite element method by ABAQUS software. Group of authors simulate the soil-pile interface, capable of incorporating the gapping and sliding in the soil-pile interfaces for both sand and clay layers. The research results are used to predict the lateral load-deformation of piles for different cases and comparison with published research results. On that basis predicting the suitable distance horizontal loading piles that a pile negligible influenced from adjacent pile on a slope. This is a matter of high scientific and practical significance in foundation engineering in general, as well as in calculating pile foundations on a slopes in particular.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[2]. F. A. Abdrabbo, K. E. Gaaver, Simplified analysis of laterally loaded pile groups, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 51 (2012) 121-127.
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[12]. V. Nguyen et al., Three dimensional numerical simulation to predict performance of laterally loaded piles on clay-sand layered slope, GeoMontreal, 2013.
[13]. A. S. Osman, M. F. Randolph, Analytical Solution for the Consolidation around a Laterally Loaded Pile, International Journal of Geomechanics, 12 (2012) 199-208.
[14]. H. G. Poulos, E. H. Davis, Pile foundation analysis and design. John Wiley, New York, 1980.
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Nguyen Quoc, V., Nguyen Thanh, S., Trinh Trung, T., Nguyen Quy, T., Nguyen Thanh, N., Le Ngoc, B., Cedric, S., & Dang Van, T. (7600). Study the working of piles on the slope ground subjected to horizontal loading by numerical simulation method . Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 72(1), 58-65.
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