An experimental investigation of the bond behavior between the reinforcement and lightweight aggregate concrete
Từ khóa:
lightweight aggregate concrete, bond behavior, reinforcement steel, development length, experiment
Tóm tắt
Bond behavior between the reinforcement steel bars and surrounding concrete is considered as an important characteristic for reinforced concrete structures, including lightweight aggregate concrete ones. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the bond behavior of 14 mm diameter steel bars embedded in lightweight aggregate concrete. The bond slip relationship between rebar and lightweight aggregate concrete shows a conventional behavior, similar to traditional reinforced concrete. The development length of 14 diameter steel embedded in lightweight aggregate concrete is smaller than the requirement in ACI 318-11.Tài liệu tham khảo
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Kiểu trích dẫn
Dang Thuy, C., & Le Minh, C. (1590598800). An experimental investigation of the bond behavior between the reinforcement and lightweight aggregate concrete. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 71(4), 380-387.
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