Evaluating the maiden BRT corridor in Vietnam

  • Huy Nghia Nguyen

    Sao Viet Company, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Sy Sua Tu

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3, Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Minh Hieu Nguyen

    Université Gustave-Eiffel/AME/DEST, France
Email: minh-hieu.nguyen@ifsttar.fr
Từ khóa: BRT, public transport, BRTS, Hanoi, corridor

Tóm tắt

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of the most effective solutions to meet an enormous growth of travel demand in developing countries’ urban areas where urban rail systems are on the plan or under construction but not in reality yet. Based on collection and synthesis of successful and outstanding experience over the world (e.g. in Bogota (Colombia), Guangzhou (China), Ahmedabad (India)), the Bus Rapid Transit Standard (BRTS) was introduced to provide guidelines to the following creation of BRT. It is a measurement to clarify what are strengths and shortcomings of each case, which contributes to propose approaches to deal with disadvantages and enhance operation. Hanoi inaugurated the first BRT corridor at the beginning of 2017; however, it has performed more poorly than expected. In this paper, it is assessed by the BRTS to show (1) which level it reached compared with international BRT systems, (2) its main limitations and (3) potential remedies for its poor performance. The findings emphasize that its design meets the Bronze standard; however, its actual operation achieves the Basic level only. Its major issues are low (design) capacity, low frequency, limited speed, lack of reliability and convenience. To address them, implementing technical packages to give prioritized signals at intersections and provide multimodal real-time information together with reducing interval at peak hours would be the most important and feasible solutions. Although being ineffective now; BRT would play a vital role in the process of limiting the use of private vehicles, especially motorcycle.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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