Examining influenced factors of the preparation phase on total construction time delay of build-operate-transfer transport projects in Vietnam
Từ khóa:
Public-Private Partnerships, Build Operate Transfer, Transport, Vietnam, Project Delay.
Tóm tắt
The involvement of private investors in public works has been widely-known under the scheme of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) world-wide. Although being started in early years of the twenty-one century, the PPP scheme in Vietnam is still waiting for its booming period due to an incomprehensive regulation system. As of an approval of some important PPP decrees, the period of 2010-2018 is considered as a remarked period for the PPP development in Vietnam, especially in transport sector. Using the neural network approach, this study contributes to the literature by providing an insight of 48 build-operate-transfer (BOT) transport projects completed in the period. Findings of this study are meaningful to the field because they highlight several influenced factors of the project preparation phase those affect total completed construction time of the investigated projects.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[32] R. Lamech, S. Kazim, What international investors look for when investing in developing countries: results from a survey of international investors in the power sector, Energy and Mineral Sector Board. Discussion Paper No. 6, The World Bank, Energy and Mining Sector Board, Washington, DC, 2003.
[2] N. Agarchand, B. Laishram, Sustainable infrastructure development challenges through ppp procurement process: Indian perspective, Int. J. Manag., 10 (2017) 642-662. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMPB-10-2016-0078
[3] R.L.K. Tiong, Comparative study of bot projects, J. Manag. Eng., 6 (1990) 107–122.
[4] R.L.K. Tiong, Competitive advantage of equity in bot tender, J. Constr. Eng. Manag., 121 (1995) 282–289. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(1995)121:3(282)
[5] K.C. Iyer, M. Sagheer, Hierarchical structuring of ppp risks using interpretative structural modeling, J. Constr. Eng. Manag., 136 (2010) 151–159.
[6] M. Sohail, D.A.C. Maunder, D.W.J. Miles, Managing public transport in developing countries: stakeholder perspectives in Dar es Salaam and Faisalabad, Int. J. Transp. Manag., 2 (2004) 149–160.
[7] X. Jin, G. Zhang, Modelling optimal risk allocation in PPP projects using artificial neural networks, Int. J. Proj. Manag., 29 (2011) 591–603.
[8] M.P. Abednego, S.O. Ogunlana, Good project governance for proper risk allocation in public–private partnerships in Indonesia, Int. J. Proj. Manag., 24 (2006) 622–634.
[9] E. Reeves, D. Palcic, D.Flannery, R.R. Geddes, The determinants of tendering periods for ppp procurement in the UK: an empirical analysis, Appl. Econ., 49 (2017) 1–12.
[10] F.M. Liou, C.P. Huang, Automated approach to negotiations of BOT contracts with the consideration of project risk, J. Constr. Eng. Manag., 134 (2008) 18–24.
[11] J. Yuan, A.Y. Zeng, M.J. Skibniewski, Q. Li, Selection of performance objectives and key performance indicators in public–private partnership projects to achieve value for money, Constr. Manag. Econ., 27 (2009) 253–270. https://doi.org/10.1080/01446190902748705
[12] M. Dunn-Cavelty, M. Suter, Public–private partnerships are no silver bullet: an expanded governance model for critical infrastructure protection, Int. J. Crit. Infrastruct. Prot., 2 (2009) 179–187.
[13] S.H. Bhuiyan, A crisis in governance: urban solid waste management in Bangladesh, Habitat International, 34 (2010) 125–133.
[14] O.M. Rouhani, H.O. Gao, R.R. Geddes, Policy lessons for regulating public–private partnership tolling schemes in urban environments, Transp. Policy, 41 (2015) 68–79.
[15] S.O.Babatunde, S. Perera, L. Zhou, C. Udeaja, Barriers to public private partnership projects in developing countries, Eng. Constr. Archit. Manag., 22 (2015) 669–691.
[16] K. Gidado, PFI implementation and evaluation model for developing economics: example of Nigeria. Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management, Pingtung, Taiwan, 14-15, 2010 available at: www.ppml.url.tw/EPPM/conference/2010
[17] A.P.C. Chan, P.T.I. Lam, D.W.M. Chan, E. Cheung, Y. Ke, Potential obstacles to successful implementation of public -private partnerships in Beijing and the Hong Kong special administrative region, Journal of Management in Engineering, 26 (2010) 30-40.
[18] E. Akampurira, D. Root, W. Shakantu, Stakeholder perceptions in the factors constraining the development and implementation of public private partnerships in the Ugandan electricity sector, Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 20 (2009) 2-9.
[19] T. Quoc Cuong, Policy analysis for improving performance of PPP projects in Vietnam: A Case Study from BOT Phu My Bridge Project, Published master thesis, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, 2010.
[20] H. T. T. Giang, Public-Private Partnerships: Development of road infrastructure in Vietnam, Published PhD thesis, University of Transport & Communications and Transport, Vietnam, 2012.
[21] L. A. Tuan, Principal factors for Private Public Partnership (PPP) implementation in Vietnam: a mixed methods study, Published PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney, 2016.
[22] The government inspectorate of Vietnam, Report on regulation implementation of BT, BOT contracts in transport section in Hanoi city, No. 1785/TB-TTCP, 2017.
[23] The government inspectorate of Vietnam, Report on regulation implementation of BT, BOT contracts in transport section in Ho Chi Minh city, No. 2242/TB-TTCP, 2017.
[24] The government of Vietnam, Report on PPP implementation results, No.25/BC-CP, 2019.
[25] Than Thanh Son, A study on risk allocation under PPP scheme for road infrastructure of Vietnam, Doctoral dissertation, University of Transport & Communications, Vietnam, 2015.
[26] T. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Wilkinson, Identifying critical factors affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of tendering processes in Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs): A comparative analysis of Australia and China, International Journal of Project Management, 34 (2016) 701–716.
[27] B. Gültekin Çetiner, Murat Sari, Oğuz Borat. A Neural Network Based Traffic-Flow Prediction Model, Mathematical and Computational Applications, 15 (2010) 269-278.
[28] Concepcion Garrido, Rocio de Ona, Juan de Ona, Neural networks for analyzing service quality in public transportation, Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (2014) 6830-6838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2014.04.045
[29] V. Tu. Jack, Advantages and disadvantages of using artificial neural networks versus logistic regression for predicting medical outcomes, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49 (1996) 1225-1231.
[30] J. S. R. Jang, C. T. Sun, E. Mizutani, Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing, Prentice Hall, USA, 1997.
[31] A. Akintoye, C. Hardcastle, M. Beck, E. Chinyio, D. Asenova, Achieving best value in private finance initiative project procurement, Construction Management and Economics, 21 (2003) 461-470. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144619032000087285
[32] R. Lamech, S. Kazim, What international investors look for when investing in developing countries: results from a survey of international investors in the power sector, Energy and Mineral Sector Board. Discussion Paper No. 6, The World Bank, Energy and Mining Sector Board, Washington, DC, 2003.
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Nguyen, H.-T., & Pham, D.-H. (1573750800). Examining influenced factors of the preparation phase on total construction time delay of build-operate-transfer transport projects in Vietnam . Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 70(3), 201-213. https://doi.org/10.25073/tcsj.70.3.28
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