A bond strength analysis of carboncor asphalt layer on road surfaces

  • Nguyen Anh Tuan

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Tran Danh Hoi

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Ngo Ngoc Quy

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Le Xuan Quy

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: lexuanquy@utc.edu.vn

Tóm tắt

Transport infrastructure is a critical component of socio-economic development, particularly in rapidly urbanizing Vietnam, where increasing traffic congestion poses significant challenges. Road surface quality and durability are essential factors in ensuring the efficiency and longevity of the transportation system. Carboncor Asphalt (CA) material, with its superior resistance to cracking, water damage, and harsh weather conditions, is a promising solution for road surface construction in Vietnam. However, there is a limitation of research on the mechanical behavior of carboncor asphalt in the specific climatic and environmental conditions of the country. To address this knowledge gap, this study investigates the shear behavior of a carboncor asphalt layer interfaced with both asphalt concrete and cement concrete surface layers. A comprehensive range of laboratory tests is conducted to assess the bond strength between the carboncor asphalt layer and the overlying road surfaces. Results indicate a negative correlation between temperature and bond strength for the overlay carboncor asphalt layer on both asphalt and cement concrete substrates. Notably, bond strength demonstrated a significant increase over time. The findings in this study are expected to have significant implications for road construction and maintenance using CA overlay in Vietnam. By providing a scientific foundation for material selection, design, and construction of road surfaces tailored to local conditions, this study aims to enhance investment efficiency and reduce maintenance costs

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