Influence of fine aggregates replaced ratio on shear strength of oyster shell concrete beam using GFRP rebars

  • Tu Sy Quan

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Từ khóa: oyster shell concrete, GFRP rebar, shear strength, 3-point bending test, seashell concrete

Tóm tắt

The recycle of oyster shell as a component of concrete is a considerable solution around the world, not only ameliorate environment quality due to waste pollution but also decelerate the depletion of traditional aggregates. In this study, the oyster concrete is elaborated and performed in the order to determine many mechanic properties such as compressive strength, tensile strength or modulus of elasticity. These parameters are an important information, allowing to predict the shear strength of concrete in the structure using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar, where a part of fine aggregate is replaced by oyster shell. Besides, many 3-points bending test were realized in several beams with different ratios of replacement. The presence of oyster shell crushed replacing the natural sand reduced many mechanic characteristics of concrete, including the shear behaviour. However, compared to theoretical predictions, the results given by experiment seems betters, although there is a diminution of shear strength in almost specimens. This argument leads to the possibility of using this kind of concrete with GFRP rebar in the design of manufacturing precast members, mainly under the load introducing the shear force

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