Implement quantum random number generation on the IBM quantum computer platform

  • Nhu Quynh Luc

    Academy of Cryptography Techniques, 141 Chien Thang Road, Tan Trieu, Thanh Tri, Hanoi, Viet Nam
  • Van Anh Le

    Academy of Cryptography Techniques, 141 Chien Thang Road, Tan Trieu, Thanh Tri, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Từ khóa: AIS-31, Hadamard gate, Measurement, NIST SP 800-22, QRNG, Qubit

Tóm tắt

Random numbers are a crucial component of any encryption activity in modern cryptography. Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) produce truly random output strings to replace pseudo-random ones. The principle of QRNG relies on measuring qubit states, which excel in quantum computing applications, particularly on IBM's quantum computing platform. To construct a random number generator, the authors utilized IBM Q Experience's Qiskit quantum development toolkit. We developed QRNG applications on IBM quantum computers (7-qubit, 16-qubit, and 127-qubit) and tested the program's functionality on these quantum computing platforms. The quality assessment of the random strings was conducted according to NIST and AIS-31 standards. For NIST standards, to achieve good quality, the output string must reach a minimum of 1,593,088 bits to pass 16 tests per SP800-22 standard. According to AIS-31 standards, to achieve good quality, the output string must reach a minimum of 8,000,000 bits to pass 8 tests of the standard

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