A case study on scenario-based optimization for axle load survey data selection for flexible pavement design in Vietnam

  • Le Xuan Quy

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Chu Tien Dung

    University of Transport and Communications, No 3 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Vu Tuan Anh

    Ministry of Transport, No 80 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: lexuanquy@utc.edu.vn
Từ khóa: pavement structure, scenario-based, optimization, axle load, pavement design

Tóm tắt

The unique traffic patterns in Vietnam, characterized by a mix of vehicle types, axle configurations, and overloading, pose challenges to current flexible pavement design methods. This study investigates how selecting different vehicle axle load survey data scenarios impacts the accuracy of pavement design and rehabilitation for roads in Vietnam. Evaluation of various data selection methods and their influence on pavement response using the current flexible pavement calculation procedure in Vietnam. By comparing the pavement design criteria calculated under each scenario, this research aims to provide clear guidelines for engineers choosing appropriate axle load data for pavement design. This, in turn, will lead to the design and maintenance of more durable and sustainable pavements, ultimately promoting a more efficient and resilient transportation infrastructure in Vietnam. The research approach involves analyzing various axle load survey data scenarios, including those representing typical traffic conditions, overloaded vehicles, and specific vehicle types. The calculated pavement responses under each scenario are then compared to assess the impact of data selection on design outcomes. This study's findings are expected to provide valuable insights for pavement engineers in Vietnam, enabling them to select appropriate axle load data for accurate pavement design and rehabilitation. This will contribute to building more durable and sustainable road infrastructure, resulting in a more efficient and resilient transportation network

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