Seismic analysis of a soil-liquid tank system using the two-step method
Từ khóa:
liquid tank system, soil-foundation interaction, soil-structure interaction, seismic analysis, superposition theorem
Tóm tắt
Seismic analysis of soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a challenge due to the non-linearities of soil-foundation interaction (SFI). The reliability of the design and the analysis results will suffer if SSI is ignored. In this paper, a two-step method based on the superposition theorem is used to perform a seismic analysis of a soil-foundation-tank-liquid system (soil-liquid tank system). The SFI analysis was conducted in the first step using the CyclicTP program's finite-element method. Meanwhile, the liquid tank system was analyzed in the second step using the lumped-parameter method. Numerical simulations conducted in homogeneous strata of sand soil demonstrated that the responses of the liquid tank were 24–70% higher than the results of the fixed-base model. Compared to the sway-rocking model, these responses did not differ by 20%. This study also investigated cohesive soils of homogeneous clays and multiple strata. The paper recommends that future research investigate the experimentation, the geometric nonlinearity of the soil-foundation system, and the stress-strain analysis of the tank wallTài liệu tham khảo
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[33]. R. D. Holtz, W. D. Kovacs, An introduction to geotechnical engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.
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[35]. A. K. Chopra, Dynamics of structures, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
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Huynh Van, Q. (1715706000). Seismic analysis of a soil-liquid tank system using the two-step method. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 75(4), 1489-1501.
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