A study on settlements of road embankments on soft ground using vertical drains

  • Trinh Dinh Toan

    Thuyloi University, No 175 Tay Son Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: Trinhdinhtoan@tlu.edu.vn
Từ khóa: settlement, ground treatment, embankment, soft soil, vertical drain

Tóm tắt

In civil engineering, the study of embankment settlement on soft ground is a vital geotechnical task in order to maintain serviceability of the road embankment, pavement, and facilities. This paper presents a study on settlements of road embankment on soft ground using vertical drains, including prefabricated-vertical drain (PVD), sand drain (SD), and sand compaction pile (SCP) on a number of packages of Hanoi – Haiphong Expressway Construction Project. The effectiveness of settlement prediction of vertical drain solutions is evaluated considering the ratios between the observed consolidation settlements and settlements predicted in the Detailed Design, in relation to the thickness of soft soil and the depth of treatment. Regression analysis is used to establish the correlation between the observed settlement and the height of embankment. The results show that (i) the design generally overestimated settlements; (ii) the ratios between observed and predicted settlements tend to positively correlate with the thickness of soft soil and the depth of treatment, and (iii) there are positive correlations between the height of embankment and the observed settlement. These correlations can be a valuable source of reference for anticipating settlements in basic design of highway projects with soft ground treated by vertical drains, in the regions that have geological stratum similar to Thabinh and Haihung formations of Bacbo Plain

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