Experimental investigation on the tensile strength degradation in curved reinforcement of textile reinforced concrete
Từ khóa:
Textile reinforced concrete, tensile strength degradation, glass textile, carbon textile, curvature radius
Tóm tắt
Recently, textile reinforced concrete (TRC) has become a new approach for strengthening the existing reinforced concrete and masonry structures. When TRC wraps around the structural members, the direction of textile reinforcements changes according to the curvature radius of the structural corner. This paper presents an experimental investigation into the tensile strength degradation in curved glass and carbon reinforcement of TRC specimens. The results show that the ultimate tensile load decreases as the diameter of the semi-circle parts reduce. At the same diameter, the carbon TRC specimens have a higher tensile load-bearing capacity than glass textile-reinforced concrete. The failure modes of all the experiment cases are the fracture of the textile reinforcement in the middle of the semi-circle parts or at the transition region of the straight and curved region. The tensile strength degradation of both glass and carbon textile reinforcement has a linear relationship with the diameter of the semi-circle parts of the TRC specimens. The value only reaches up to 41% and 60% tensile strength of the individual filaments for glass and carbon fiber, respectively.Tài liệu tham khảo
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[2]. S. Scheerer, R. Zobel, E. Müller, T. Senckpiel-Peters, A. Schmidt, M. Curbach, Flexural strengthening of RC structures with TRC—Experimental observations, design approach and application, Applied Sciences, 9 (2019) 1322. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9071322
[3]. D. Q. Ngo, H. C. Nguyen, D. L. Mai, V. H. Vu, Experimental and numerical evaluation of concentrically loaded RC columns strengthening by textile reinforced concrete jacketing, Civil Engineering Journal, 6 (2020) 1428-1442. https://doi.org/10.28991/cej-2020-03091558
[4]. A. Gholampour, R. Hassanli, J. E. Mills, T. Vincent, M. Kunieda, Experimental investigation of the performance of concrete columns strengthened with fiber reinforced concrete jacket, Construction and Building Materials, 194 (2019) 51-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.236
[5]. T. Triantafillou, Textile fibre composites in civil engineering, Woodhead Publishing, 2016.
[6]. A. Granovsky, O. Simakov, B. Dzhamuev, The FRP and TRC strengthening of the masonry structures, E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, EDP Sciences, 02041. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199702041
[7]. D. Q. Ngo, Research on the application of textile reinforced concrete for strenghtening the RC structures in the sea, Report of scientific research. Ministry of Training and Education, No B2018-GHA-16, 2019.
[8]. A. Committee, ACI 549.4 R-13: Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Concrete and Masonry Structures, American Concrete Institute, 2013.
[9]. M. Curbach, R. Ortlepp, Textile bewehrungen zur bautechnischen verstärkung und instandsetzung: Abschlussbericht (gekürzte Fassung). Technische Universität Dresden, 2011.
[10].C. G. Papanicolaou, I. C. Papantoniou, Mechanical behavior of textile reinforced concrete (TRC)/concrete composite elements, Journal of advanced concrete technology, 8 (2010) 35-47. https://doi.org/10.3151/jact.8.35
[11].J. Hegger, W. Brameshuber, N. Will, First International RILEM Symposium on Textile Reinforced Concrete, Proceedings of RILEM conference, 2006.
[12].M. Curbach, R. Ortlepp, Sonderforschungsbereich 528 - TextiIe Bewehrung zur Bautechnischen Verstärkung und Instandsetzung: Abschlussbericht (gekürzte Fassung). Technische Universität Dresden, 2012.
[13].D. Meßerer, B. Heiden, J. Bielak, K. Holschemacher, Prüfverfahren zur Ermittlung des Krümmungseinflusses auf die Zugfestigkeit von Textilbeton, Bauingenieur, 93 (2018) 454-462. https://doi.org/10.37544/0005-6650-2018-11-72
[14].R. Ortlepp, A. Lorenz, M. Curbach, Column strengthening with TRC: influences of the column geometry onto the confinement effect, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2009 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1155/2009/493097
[15].W. Brameshuber, Report 36: textile reinforced concrete-state-of-the-art report of RILEM TC 201-TRC, RILEM publications, 2006.
[16].I. o. C. M. Ministry of Construction, TCVN 6016: 2011 Cement-Test method-Strength determination, 2011.
[17].B. S. Institution, Textile Glass: Yarns: Determination of Breaking Force and Breaking Elongation, British Standards Institution, 2000.
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