Physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of calcium aluminate cement-based refractory conerete at elevated temperature
Từ khóa:
Physical property, tensile strength, compressive strength, refractory concrete, elevated temperature
Tóm tắt
In the past decade, calcium aluminate cement is widely used to manufacture refractory concrete for infrastructure works which frequently were subjected to elevated temperature thanks to the thermal stability by the high content of aluminum. This paper presents experimental results of the physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of calcium aluminate cement-based refractory concrete specimens. As experimental results, with a calcium aluminate content of about 50%, the refractory concrete provides remarkable physical, thermal, and mechanical properties. The high density and low water content were characterized for this concrete. The thermal diffusivity coefficient of refractory concrete is lower from 3 to 4 times than that of normal concrete while the conductivity is around of 1.05 (W/m.K). Furthermore, from the thermomechanical tests, the direct tensile strength and Young’s modulus of refractory concrete were identified at different temperature levels. The effect of elevated temperature on the performance of this refractory concrete was analyzed and highlightedTài liệu tham khảo
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[2] T.-C. Nguyen, V.-C. Mai, X.-B. Luu, Temperature distribution in concrete structure under the action of fire using Ansys software, E3S Web Conference, 91 (2019) 020-10. 10.1051/e3sconf/20199102010
[3] M.-T. Tran, X.-H. Vu, E. Ferrier, Mesoscale experimental investigation of thermomechanical behaviour of the carbon textile reinforced refractory concrete under simultaneous mechanical loading and elevated temperature, Construction and Building Materials, 217 (2019) 156–171. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.05.067
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[9] D.-A.-S. Rambo, F. de A. Silva, R.-D.-T. Filho, N. Ukrainczyk, E. Koenders, Tensile strength of a calcium-aluminate cementitious composite reinforced with basalt textile in a high-temperature environment, Cement Concrete Composite, 70 (2016) 183–193. 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2016.04.006
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[16] H. Jean, Métrologie des propriétés thermophysiques des matériaux, 2017,
[17] L.-H. Nguyen, A.-L. Beaucour, S. Ortola, A. Noumowé, Experimental study on the thermal properties of lightweight aggregate concretes at different moisture contents and ambient temperatures, Construction and Building Materials, 151 (2017) 720–731.
[18] T. Tlaiji, X.-H. Vu, E. Ferrier, A.-S. Larbi, Influence of different charges in cement-based matrix of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) on its thermomechanical and thermal behaviours at different temperatures, Academy of Joint in Civil Engineering, 36 (2018) 251-254.
[19] European standard BS EN 196-1, Methods of testing cement. Determination of strength, s.l.: s.n, 2005.
[20] M.-K. Tshimanga, Influence des paramètres de formulation sur le comportement à haute température des bétons. Phdthesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2007.
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Manh Tien, T., Xuan Hong, V., & Emmanuel, F. (1663174800). Physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of calcium aluminate cement-based refractory conerete at elevated temperature. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Giao Thông Vận Tải, 73(7), 688-702.
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