Structural analysis of steel-concrete composite beam bridges utilizing the shear connection model

  • Phung Ba Thang

    University of Transport Technology, 54 Trieu Khuc, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, 100000, Vietnam
  • Lai Van Anh

    University of Transport Technology, 54 Trieu Khuc, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, 100000, Vietnam
Từ khóa: Steel-concrete composite beam bridges, Shear connection, Euler-Bernoulli theory, Timoshenko beam theory.

Tóm tắt

Shear connector (typically shear studs) plays a vital role as a transfer zone between steel and concrete in steel-concrete composite bridge girder. In the previous studies, the connection between steel beam and reinforced concrete slab were considered as continuous joint. However, in practice, this connection is discrete, which allows the slipping and peeling phenomenon between two layers (the influence of peeling is usually very small and could be ignored). To reflect this actual working mechanism, this study proposed a model of shear connection in the form of discrete points at the actual positions of studs for structural analysis. The model was simulated utilizing Timoshenko beam theory considering transverse shear effects. The numerical applications are carried out in order to compare two types of connections. The obtained results indicated that the proposed model properly reflected the actual performance of the structure and in some necessary cases, we should consider discrete connection for more accurate local results.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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